The numbers in the boxes are a guide to the frequency of monitoring (number of times per year). Green reflects stable disease, with follow-up measurements annually if CKD is present; yellow requires caution and measurements at least once per year; orange requires measurements twice per year; red requires measurements at 3 times per year while deep red may require closest monitoring approximately 4 times or more per year (at least every 1–-3 months).
These are general parameters only based on expert opinion and must take into account underlying comorbid conditions and disease state, as well as the likelihood of impacting a change in management for any individual patient. CKD, chronic kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate. Modified with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Kidney International. Levey AS, de Jong PE, Coresh J, et al. The definition, classification, and prognosis of chronic kidney disease: a KDIGO controversies conference report. Kidney Int 2011; 80: 17–28; accessed